Membership to AWECC is open to anyone residing in Albury-Wodonga and surrounding areas that is committed to supporting multiculturalism. By becoming a member, one can advocate and support the needs of the CALD community.
We have three categories of membership:
Individual Membership
Individuals of any ethnic background who agree with AWECC’s Statement of Purposes.
$10 for two years.
$10 for two years.
Community Membership
Open to any organisation whose primary focus is either of an ethnic and/or multicultural nature and whose aims and activities are consistent with the Statement of Purposes of the AWECC.
$50 for two years.
Associate Membership
Open for any organisation with an interest in ethnic and/or multicultural issues (but this is not being their primary focus) and whose aims and activities are consistent with the Statement of Purpose of AWECC.
$50 for two years.
$50 for two years.

AWECC Statement Purposes
- The Statement of Purposes of the Association is:
The Albury-Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council is a member-driven community organisation, committed to empowering people from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds. The organisation focuses on advocating for local ethnic communities, improving access and equity, and promoting respect and community harmony. - The key objectives of the Association are as follows:
- To act as the advocacy and representative body in Albury-Wodonga for Multicultural and Ethnic communities in the formulation of, at all levels of government, policies, practices, and funding opportunities that will contribute to both, equitable human-rights based outcomes and alleviation of social disadvantage and injustice.
- To encourage the full participation of Albury-Wodonga multicultural and ethnic communities within the social, economic, political, and cultural life of Australia.
- To promote awareness of the presence and needs of emerging communities and refugees amongst service providers and various levels of government.
- To identify and address service delivery gaps in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) service provision.
- To assist with the advancement of community language education and support of related educational facilities for ethnic and refugee groups.
- To advocate, plan for and assist with the relief of the needs of refugees and migrants at all stages of life.
- To promote the positive aspects of multiculturalism and cultural diversity to the local community and throughout Victoria, New South Wales, and Australia generally.
- To facilitate and deliver such services as may be necessary to achieve any of the foregoing objectives.