Who Are We
Albury-Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council (AWECC) is an advocacy organisation and charity representing residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Albury-Wodonga and surrounding areas. As an incorporated, community-owned association, we undertake evidence-informed advocacy, promoting community partnerships and participatory programs which enhance community inclusion, cohesion, and well-being.
We make multiculturalism work!
What We Do
Since our establishment in 2014, our core business is advocacy and capacity building. Working alongside our members to enhance inclusion, access and social cohesion, AWECC is committed to promoting the successes of multiculturalism and ensuring equitable, human rights-based outcomes for all, regardless of their background.
In order to identify and address specific community needs, AWECC and its partners, deliver various advocacy and community capacity-building programs, events and forums aimed at addressing identified needs. These needs may include barriers in accessing information and services, poor/low health literacy, discrimination and racism, employment and workplace rights, a lack of skills recognition, mental illness and trauma, family violence and relationships. We act as an advisory on local multicultural issues at the local, state and federal level several levels on several issues affecting the multicultural communities in Albury Wodonga and surrounding areas.
AWECC is a regional member of the following peak bodies:
Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (FECCA);
Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV); and
Ethnic Communities Council of New South Wales (ECCNSW).
As part of AWECC's advocacy focus, AWECC contributes to government submissions and inquiries, and other forms of policy advocacy, on behalf of our local community.
At a local level, AWECC presents community reports on a regular basis to Albury City Council and Wodonga Council.

Albury-Wodonga Hindu Vaidic Sewa Samiti Incorporated
30 Individual Members
(Jan 2022)
Some of the countries our members were born, include: The Sudan, Bhutan, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, United States of America, Bangladesh, Philippines, New Zealand, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria... and many more!
AWECC Annual Reports
Read all about what we do and how we do it in our Annual Report.
Annual Report 2020-21
Annual Report 2019-20 Download PDF
Annual Report 2018-19 Download PDF
Annual Report 2017-18 Download PDF
Annual Report 2016-17 Download PDF
Annual Report 2015-16 Download PDF
Annual Report 2014-15 Download PDF